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The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
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Condition: Good
Book Three in The New York Times bestselling series.

Nicholas Flamel's heart almost broke as he watched his beloved Paris crumble before him. The city was destroyed by Dee and Machiavelli, but Flamel played his own role in the destruction. Sophie and Josh Newman show every sign of being the twins of prophecy, and Flamel had to protect them and the pages from the Dark Elders.

But Nicholas grows weaker with each passing day. Perenelle is still trapped in Alcatraz, and now that Scatty has gone missing, the group is without protection. Except for Clarent—the twin sword to Excalibur. But Clarent’s power is unthinkable, its evil making it nearly impossible to use without its darkness seeping into the soul of whoever wields it.

If he hopes to defeat Dee, Nicholas must find an Elder who can teach Josh and Sophie the third elemental magic—Water Magic. The problem? The only one who can do that is Gilgamesh, and he is quite, quite insane.

Favorite Moments from the First Two Books in the Series

The Alchemyst

  • Twins, Sophie and Josh discover that Nicholas Flamel is alive - and living in San Francisco.
  • The magical battle in the bookshop between Flamel and his enemy, Dr John Dee.
  • A terrifying chase across the Golden Gate bridge.
  • The twins enters a Shadowrealm, the world of the Three-Faced Goddess. Although this series is set in the contemporary world, Scott occasionally steps out into fully realized magical landscapes populated by characters and creatures from world mythology.
  • The battle in the Shadowrealm.
  • And then south to Ojai to meet a famous Elder. Unfortunately, Dee arrives there too and the scene is set for the final battle

The Magician

  • Magically transported to Paris, France, the twins encounter another of Flamel's enemies: Niccolo Machiavelli.
  • Protected by the ancient warrior Scathach, they are rescued by Flamel's old student, a master of fire.
  • When Dee arrives in Paris he calls upon an ancient prehistoric creature to attack St Germain's house. Scott draws upon his vast knowledge of world mythology to conjure up one of the great monsters and the chase across Paris is thrilling.
  • In the catacombs beneath the city, they encounter The Sleeping God and Josh is made a dangerous offer.
  • And finally, before Notre Dame Cathedral, Scott once again mixes the real and the magical to fashion and extraordinary and thrilling climax.
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