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Hilarious Fishing Cartoons

Hilarious Fishing Cartoons

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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Condition: Good

The best of fishing humor from America's most beloved sporting cartoonist.

Any angler who has ever been out-fished by a beginner with a twig and some twine or questioned whether bass are smarter than he is will be in good company here. Hilarious Fishing Cartoons pokes fun at every kind of angling absurdity. Tiers struggling to tie microscopic flies,
bass fishermen who catch more boots than bass, weekenders loaded down with every gizmo and piece of tackle in the shop, and fanatical,
freezing ice fishermen doomed to drill and not grill are all represented. Troy's pen is deft and clever, and his one-liners are truly side-splitting. The next time your line gets so tangled you're ready to curse or quit fishing forever, remember these cartoons and you may just find yourself chuckling instead.

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